Monday 21 July 2014

So I'm Thinking Of My Future Wife

While growing up as a child, my mum would take me to the market ( i think Balogun market in Lagos) at the end of November to shop for Christmas clothes and shoes for myself and my three younger brothers, Meme, Fortune, and Wiscal respectively.

Consequently, getting to the market is another story entirely. The drama of seeing what pleases my eyes begins and my mum starts to complain - don't you already know i have taste, i'd mumble under my breath.

Nonetheless, when i finally see what catches my eyes, it always stood out with limited quantity and expensive (it supersedes my mum's budget).

As i grew older and passed the childhood stage and being a teenager, now i'm an adult or better still what my H.O.D back in my university days would call young adult, it became obvious how hard it is for my eyes and ears to be pleased.

How would i get married with these high standards. Do i need to change my eyes? I love perfect, but there is no perfect.

I had subconsciously developed a personal checklist in my head in which i grade ladies. There are the ones i refer to as the beautifuls, the fines, and the okays. I'll explain.

The beautifuls are the ones to whom even their enemies accord beautiful. It is obvious even to the blind. This kind of beauty can make a reverend father uncelibate (am not sure that word exist but i know you understand...winks). It can make a sane man go bananas. You need examples? Google Meagan Good, Eva Mendes, Jessica Alba, or better still my friend, Amaju Okitipki. They are the beautifuls.

Then we have the fines. I would describe them as the bridge between the beautifuls and the okays. They are fine when the make up is done properly. I won't give you examples so i don't get into trouble... smiles.

Then again the okays. No one created by G.O.D is hideous. People say it and i choose to believe. He created everything and it was good. God loves ugly, He doesn't see the way i see. God takes ugly and turns it into something that is beautiful... -  Jordin Sparks.

Meanwhile, we have the voices i call awesome, okay, and terrible. When the awesome talk or sing, you stop to listen. Google Jennifer Hudson, Timi Dakolo, Dan Foster of City FM, Joyce of Cool FM, Kim Burrel or my friend, Minor. They are the voices. You'd find the okays and terrible in our very own music industry.

Back to the matter. I'm still thinking of my future wife, what she looks like, how she talks (hope she's not razz). I hope she's still black (not toned or tanned or whatever) and among the beautifuls cause i think i'm bellissima.

I hope she is true to her workouts cause i'm. I jog on the threadmill every morning, do my sit ups and press ups so i can be your superman.

I hope she loves the Lord in the real sense of it too. I really do not care if you have curves or not, cause a great personality will always win my heart and everything.

I am waiting for you patiently. I have started investing. I am honing my crafts and spreading my tentacles just so i can make enough money to give you double of what you give me cause i think that's what marriage or any other relationship should be about - trying to out do each other in giving ( for God so love the word that He gave...).

My elder sister doesn't have a girl yet, hope it won't be the same as ours cause i'd love to have girls - i don't mind all girls too.

I'd be glad to meet you now. My name is Emmanuel Agboiyi. What's yours?

Who poured me water!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would be glad to meet her too